
March 1st –@ the Museum

Call to Order 6:40pm


In attendance: Jeff Hulsmann, Jason Phillips, Tim Caves, Jeanine Engle, Linda Vier, Nikki McDonald, Chris Cummins, Jess Farr, Cathy Wilcox. Laurie Caves, Stan Benton


Treasurers Report –Nicole (excused) 


   Legal: Chris stated there were no legal issues to discuss, but he does need to revisit 

        the Railroad negotiation on the division of water

   New Secretary:  Laurie Caves Volunteered and was approved

   Power:  Tim Caves reported on the power pole situation:  Was approved for payment

      Jason, Reid & Dawn are aware the power drop to the bottom of the pole was not in 

      the bid, but they are hopeful that CORE will bring the power down the pole to a 

      meter panel. 

   Lights on the bridge: Parks approved the 3rd option of their 3 proposals:

       Parks recommends power outlets on East and West ends of the bridge, with down 

       lit can lighting through the middle.  The ToPL is responsible for getting bids.

   Landscaping update:  Tim reported that he met with Reid, and they agreed on a 

      scope of work to get landscape bids will include stairway/stone trails on north 

      and south side of east end, and rip rap for 3800 sqft.. The Parks Commission is also 

      working on a master plan. Waiting on numbers to come in and be reported to ATL by 

      Reid.  They are currently getting bids from Greater Grounds and Dail & Son. Reid 

      reported to Tim that Jason from ToPL, has asphalt millings to fix the muddy trail 

      under the bridge. Approx 200 yards of trail

   Dealing with Parks and BOT: Discussion was held about when the Parks 

       Commission or the BOT are asking for funds or help from ATL we would like for it 

       to come to us in written form verses them adding themselves to our agenda. 

       All present agreed.

   MOU:  Memorandum of Understanding between the ToPL and the ATL.  Chris said 

        he had written and submitted a MOU to the Town office, but did not receive a 

        returned signed document.  He would revise and resubmit.  We are non-

        profit organization raising funds solely for the benefit of the town and preservation 

        of the Lake and the surrounding parklands, and would like to have an

        understanding with the Town that we are not subject to the deposits and fees 

        incurred to fund raise for the town. We are always willing to complete the events 

        package and present our fund- raising events to the BOT, but think we should not

        have to ask for fees to be waived.  There should be an understanding we are not 

        subject the all the fee’s and deposits. We would like to Waive the $100 fee for the 

        Town’s liq lic.  Jess Farr understood and thought there should be some mutual 

        understanding between ATL and the BoT.   She said she will report to the Bot in 

        regard to a MOU

Historical Society Proposal (wrap up):  The ATL presentation was huge success!  

    Highly attended and very positive reviews from attendees

    Hoping there will be an opportunity to present again and have it video taped

Valentine’s Day Dance (wrap up):  Cathy reported it was a Huge success!  Amazing 

    food    by Nikki, fun local DJ Chuck Sewel did a great job, the event Sold out, 

    generated    great FUN!  The dance made $1400 profit to go to landscape around 

    the bridge.  Fun Raisers are planning the next dance.  Chris questioned if we 

    should establish “Fun Raisers”  as a dba of Awake the lake.  At this time, we are

    just going to say we   are a subcommittee and leave it be.

     TRY: – Are we doing this? It was discussed that we should consider running it after 

   school begins in mid Aug, 19 or 20th.  We need 40-50 kids bikes,  Could do an all 

   call for bikes and trikes…?  No consensus, Table this for another meeting. Jeff 

   would like to do this again.

 .5 (yes, point 5) K  date / sponsors: We are waiting to set a date for the .5K till the

    Bronco’s schedule come out. Probably 1st or 2nd weekend in October.  Discussion 

    was made on whether we should have a  “ Master sponsor” option for a higher 

    level ex $5000 to give sponsors an option to be on ALL ATL events.  Discussion 

    tabled till future meeting.

Train art:  Jeff asked how do we move this forward; how do we get this done? Stan 

    suggested we purchase one (a tanker) for “Awake the Lake” all agreed.  Cathy 

    mentioned the price of the car is expensive and makes it hard to get sponsors. Will 

    discuss less expensive designs or plaques with Jody Bliss at another time

Facebook / email: Page needs updates Jason and Jeff gave access to Laurie to help 

   with updating the page

Palmer Lake / Reservoir Water Levels: Linda Vier will measure on the weekend

   and is working with Dawn, the frozen lake has made it hard to measure.

   Chris commented that the USDA gets the info and determines reset water levels 

   each year.  April 1st is when we can put water in the lake.

Water Report: Linda will be working on it this weekend

Staff Gauge: Chris reported Wayne Russert is ready and willing to work with us on 

    getting a rail, two actually, to make a “ghost rail” attention getter.  We would not 

    use actual rail ties, but some form of natural wood.  Wayne would be traveling 

    down to see the available rails sometime soon when the weather was nicer.

WIFI Hot spot:  Cathy thought there was a hotspot option with T-Mobile for the 

    Festival, but it doesn’t look like it will work. Jeff didn’t think we needed it. 

Fireworks – Festival on the Fourth: Tim reported the event will run from

   4:00-10:00 this year.   Cathy Wilcox presented and idea that would be in 

   conjunction with the Festival and all ATL events. We had discussed the need for 

   picnic benches for outside the food trucks at the festival, families were walking 

   around with food and had no place to sit, it was presented that if we purchased 

   them for ATL they could also be used at the .5K, the taste of Palmer Lake, next 

   dance in the park….There was a price of 201.97 for a table from Walmart and 

   Laurie Caves has a connection that will help us get a discount and tax-exempt 

   status to possibly reduce even further.  Tim thought we should purchase 10-12 72’ 

   tables and suggested we have our logo imprinted or painted on each table as well.  

   The ATL committee agreed on the idea and asked for a final bid before ordering 

   them. Laurie requested our 501 c3 paperwork and a letter head with a request tax 

   exempt status for Walmart, she would move forward on that.  And a final detailed 

   price sheet would be presented when it was received.   Tim finished reporting on 

   the festival progress with the committee is working on the details and will 

   have a final budget shortly. He had met with the Fire chief and had calls into the 

   Police chief and Mike Carol for security.

BOT approval: We would like to present the Festival on the Fourth to the BOT as 

   soon as possible to start contracting vendors. We circled back with MOU 

  discussion and   asking to waive some of the fees and deposits. We also need checks 

  for the special events cost for this event and the liq lic.

Red, Wine, and Blue BBQ & Dance: Laurie presented the FUN Raisers are 

   planning the next event to support the cost of the Fireworks for the Festival on the 

   Fourth, a date has been set for June 20th and will have an indoor-outdoor event 

   including the gazebo and village green as the eating area and beer/wine garden

Dance Lessons:  There was a request for dance lessons after the last Valentine’s 

   Dance and the FUN Raisers are working with local dance instructor to offer lessons 

   at the Town Hall.  A request for interest was sent out and responses are coming in. 

   Lessons will begin either the 13th or the 20th.  We will advertise under FUN Raisers 

   and/ATL but will only break even to cover cost of hall and the dance instructor. 

Banner:  Jeff presented that we need one maybe 2 banners for ATL Everyone agreed.  

   Discussed sizes that would be best, and group agreed on a 3×10 for the large cost 

   was $99 and for the small size a 3 x6 the cost was around $54. The rest of the 

   discussion followed around what logo and how to lay it out.  Jeff will send out 

   some possibilities.

Taste of Palmer Lake / Chautauqua:  Jeanine Engle presented and told us she is 

   now on the Historical Society board the Taste of Palmer Lake is scheduled for 

   August 26th and Jeanine mentioned the Historical Society would like to join this 

   event with a possible Chautauqua re-enactment on the village green Jeff thought 

   that would be a great add to the event.

     Bank account:  Jeff presented that Nicole would like to open a separate account with 

        a different bank, but he deferred this discussion till Nicole was at the meeting and 

        could explain more.

Troll – Jeff suggested we reach out again to artists again    for bids 

Sponsors needed for all events:  The question was brought up should we add  

   annual sponsors for ATL and not for individual events? Discussion was tabled till

   further ideas came in.

Where to hold meetings: It was mentioned everyone loves to have beer and eat

   wings at O’Malley’s, but it isn’t always available.  Jeff suggested the Historical 

   Society and Jeanine said she now has a key so that makes it easy.  All agreed to 

   have meetings at the Historical society going forward.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45